[Villages] EV charging village

konmei ccc at wedrich.org
Sat May 7 18:25:22 CEST 2022

Hi Marco,

perfect, as I see all the info needed is also provided there already.
Orga does not have concerns either, so let's go ahead.

We will consider your requirements accordingly during our village 
placement (probably end of June). (If I remember correctly, we had to 
place some plates last time because the ground was too wet for the 
vehicles. We will see if we can fit you a spot, that will be safe no 
matter how much it rains.)

Best regards,

Am 07.05.2022 um 18:16 schrieb Marco Möller:
> Hi konmei, hi power and villages team.
> I did some weeks ago our camp page:
> https://wiki.mch2022.org/Village:EVerest_BaseCamp
> I think from power perspective we are probably less worse then many other
> villages. we will make sure to restrict ourself as mich as we can. we are
> mainly focussed on the datacommunication to the car anyway ;-)
> I totally got you constraints on the "dont camp in your car" / "dont move"
> constraints, and we are not planning to do this anyway.
> So would be great to get the permission to put 2-3 cars into our village.
> Since every car is quite different on the dataport, so we would love to
> explore the differences ;-)
> We will also offer workshops around this topic in our village. Our related
> talk in the big tent got recently accepted by MCH.
> cheers
> -Marco
> Am Sa., 7. Mai 2022 um 13:30 Uhr schrieb konmei <ccc at wedrich.org>:
>> Hi Marco,
>> Registration of a village is no issue at all, please feel free to do so
>> in the wiki: https://wiki.mch2022.org/Form:Village
>> However, vehicles on the ground are in general not that welcome, since
>> the ground is very sensitive.
>> Also, if they will get an allowence, they cannot be moved during the
>> event, and you cannot use them to sleep there (would then be a camper
>> which would require a ticket).
>> The power supply and consumption would have to be discussed with
>> team:power (copied them in).
>> We will discuss the request with projectleiding and come back to you.
>> Best regards,
>> konmei
>> Am 19.04.2022 um 17:48 schrieb Marco Möller:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am one of the initiators of a Linux Foundation Project around EV
>> charger
>>> firmware.
>>> https://www.lfenergy.org/projects/everest/
>>> We are wondering if we could do an EV charging village (name TBD), where
>> we
>>> might place ~2 electric vehicles in the village to interact with their
>>> firmware live on the field. We would minimize power consumption (so only
>> 1
>>> phase, max 6 amps, only short some seconds / minutes tests, no permanent
>>> charging) as much as possible.
>>> looking forward to hearing from you!
>>> - Marco

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