[MCH Team:Info] MCH2022 booklet: ROC/HAM radio Content

Christiaan de Die le Clercq contact at techwolf12.nl
Sat Jun 18 14:52:02 CEST 2022


For our HAM Radio project (
https://wiki.mch2022.org/Projects:HAM_Radio_Repeater), we were thinking of
adding something like this to the "Many Communication Hubs" chapter?

There will be an analog UHF-Repeater for licensed HAM-Radio operators, and
there might be a HAM-Radio station as well during the event at the ROC tent.
Callsign: PI2MCH
Repeater-Tx: 438.300 MHz
Repeater-Rx: 430.700 MHz
CTCSS/PL: 88.5 Hz

Additionally, on the "Times and numbers" chapter:

ROC: 2580


Kind regards,
Christiaan (Techwolf12)
Team ROC

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