[Family] Minutes of june 14th meetup

Florian Overkamp mch2022 at flrn.eu
Tue Jun 14 21:55:52 CEST 2022


Great to see many new faces! FamilyZone is starting to take shape.
Estimated attendance update

Current attendance estimate Based on https://grafana.mch2022.org

   Conference attendance: 2395
   Kids > 2006 (<16 y/o): 56
   Kids > 2010 (<12 y/o): 79
   Kids > 2016 (<6 y/o): 56
   Total kids: 191 / 7.9%
   Total expected conference: 2800 Total expected kids (7.9%): 223

Terrain location


     DONE: move the CTF tent (if they actually participate) -> Haakjes 
will send email to team terrain
         TODO: No response yet, how to proceed? -> We move it to the 
next meeting

AV equipment

     DONE: we should contact team productiehuis to figure out AV 
possibilities: last time we used a big TV and a set of speakers + 
microphone --> stef wil contact for a big screen, speakers and microphone

No news so far, we keep it on the list so we do not forget about this.

     TODO: fhp ask what to expect, and what it is going to cost

Child care

     TODO: parkeerruimte voor 2 auto's regelen -> fhp
     TODO add as project to main wiki (also to keep track at 


     Ball pits, Bouncy castles, Large Lego Blocks are ordered
         TODO: Add as project to wiki
     Sand pit is (probably) ordered
         TODO: Add as project to wiki
     Bamboestiek (placeholder project, may or may not be picked up if a 
volunteer steps up)
     Inflatable fun land
         Mike/Nullroute will pick it up, question to document how to 
either arrange invoicing or declare the expenses
         About 50-60m of fencing (14x14) is needed
     Pluch-toy pool
         Open call for pluche toys (please wash beforehand)
         no rainy weather plan, so arrange this in-door or party tent?
         idea suggested to add clothing-safe coloring (so we can set up 
         maybe sponges or similar as 'grenades'


discussion about amount of needed fencing - unlike sha, most water is 
more remote, no need to fence it off - only on-field for the 
inflatableland etc. about 50-60m should do - inside the tent to separate 
childcare, approx. 10m conclusion: 60-70m should do! Warehouse informed 
us: Van Cranenbroek has them for approx 12,50 per 20m (excluding 
poles/caps) TODO: get this stuff
Talks / Workshops

Creating kid-friendly content:

""" As you may have noticed there is currently one track in the MCH2022 
programme labeled MCH2022 Curated Content. However, if you want your 
village content included in it, we can create additional tracks with 
appropriate labels in it, as well as include your village stage in it.

If you want to do so there are a few requirements:

     You have to do all the data entry of your speakers and their 
proposals in PretalX (our conference management system) yourself. Mails 
with "our village programme is in this wiki", or even worse: "here's a 
google doc with our programme, pls include, okthxbye" will be ignored.
     We may be unable to allow you to schedule within PretalX (it's 
built for different workflows than this one), but are willing to 
schedule according to your wishes provided that the above data entry is 
done yourselves.
     We may ask you for space on your stage in case we need some 
overflow stages for workshops. By the looks of it, this is unlikely to 
be necessary since we have three large workshop tents already.
     We do need points-of-contact for giving you PretalX accounts, and 
mail will be the communications channel.

Hit us up at content at mch2022.org if you want this to happen for your 
village stage. """

     TODO: Haakjes will add a wiki page
     TODO: Coordinate with team:content regarding Village content in the 
MCH2022 programme: Sim and haakjes to coordinate and get content 
schedule integrated

Possible topics:

     Discuss whether there's interest with having someone from the 
Hardware Hacking Area give a workshop or kid-friendly tours. Mitch 
Altman added Mike to the HHA Matrix chat
     Minecraft server for kids
     'Create your own dough monster with lights for eyes!' workshop on 
hamilton field (also referred from FamZone) See 
     hardware hacking workshop for kids?
     introducing kids to ham radio?
     or in general: ask villages if we can pick a time to visit with 
interested kids
         TODO Sim and Haakjes to email villages list about this
     Card games/Board Games

Increasing team size

     UPDATE: We should follow up on the angel system, to allow for 
shifts and such -> [Sim] / Pikachu
     DONE: We should promote the bi-weekly meeting (irc, twitter, wiki, 
     DONE: We can send a targetted email to children tickets. Send the 
contents of the email to team ticket and they can probably send it to 
all the children tickets. -> [Sim]


     DONE: Update the planning to have a clear overview of what is left 
to organize -> DONE for haakjes for the next meeting

Task list was looked over on item by item basis. Looks like we have our 
bases covered. We'll keep an eye on it as we move along. TODO: keep an 
eye out if Info is planning to produce a booklet, if nessecary we will 
supply content. However, we have not seen any activity that hints to this.
Camper for families

Question on irc about Camper area and how family friendly that area is 
(i.e. low noise). Unfortunately the camper area's are already assigned 
and they don't seem particularly quiet. We don't have much room to push 
for a family zone section, but if someone with a camper wants to pick 
this topic up, thats fine.
No kids during buildup and teardown

Do we actually know when heavy buildup and teardown happens? We could 
add this to our communication, but team safety should probably 
communicatie this generally since we do no reach all particapants with 
kids. TODO: communicate with safety that we *must* have a date safe to 
go so we (and they!) can communicate this properly
Incoming mail
Mail from Mike

     In-Progress: Align with team volunteers (ask Sebastius) regarding 
the food vouchers for angel shifts [Pikachu]
         DONE: Align with team projectleiding (ask Boekenwuurm) 
regarding who is considered orga (and can eat), specifically asking for 
spouses + kids [Pikachu] -> Outcome: spouses/kids not eligable for 
voucher if only primary person did a shift. Perhaps more clarity from 
tomorrow's main orga meet? Pikachu will try to attend ([Sim] unsure)
         TODO: unclear if foodvoucher are date-fixed? [Pikachu]

Mail from VPRO

(After some back and forth discussion)

     We zetten onze research zelf graag voort in de zoektocht naar kids 
die naar MCH gaan met hun ouders, maar mocht het mogelijk zijn onze 
oproep daarvoor via Twitter mede te delen, dan zou dat te gek zijn en 
hopelijk helpen. Zie je daar mogelijkheden voor?

     Specifiek: voor het VPRO Jeugd programma De Dikke data Show voor 
NPO Zapp, komen we graag in contact met kinderen (9-13 jaar) die met hun 
ouders naar MCH gaan en die we op MCH mogen spreken over hun interesse 
in hacken. Bij interesse kan er door ouders contact opgenomen worden via 
jeugd at vpro.nl.

     Naar jullie toe: in dat geval zou het inhouden dat we inderdaad op 
MCH zouden willen filmen. In het ideale geval vinden bijv. 2 kids die we 
mogen interviewen en waarmee we het terrein op gaan, terwijl ze iets 
gaan doen (workshop, activiteit). Onze presentator Quinty gaat dan met 
ze mee, en interviewt ze ondertussen over hun interesse in hacken.

     Liefste draaien we een scene waarin iets gebeurd, om te voorkomen 
dat het enkel talking heads zijn.

TODO: Sim will translate and provide for twitter TODO: Sim will reply to 
VPRO and keep press in the look so VPRO knows who to reach out to, 
provided they find some candidates.
Mail / Request regarding hammock area

Also asked during the orga meeting (by Moem) today: team deco has a plan 
for an hammock area, which should be relatively cheap (10 euro per 
hammock), but they do not have the time/capacity to organize this area.

 > During the last field day. Redlizard and I were walking on the path 
at the back end of the Family area and noticed the field on the other 
end of the path, which has a bunch of trees at convenient distances. 
This could easily be converted into a hammock area with some interesting 
lighting. It's a pretty small and cheapish project ( see: 
https://www.lidl.nl/p/rocktrail-hangmat/p100345191 ) but not really a 
Deco project and we have our hands full as it is. Are y'all interested 
in doing this?

Location: https://i.ibb.co/0DPWvN5/bomen.png

Aimed at kids aged 10-15. Add a white sheet and a beamer?

     TODO: Put it as possible project on the page and revisit this in a 
next meeting -> fhp

mail team:security

     TODO: talk to team safety regarding what to do when there are 

     missing children protocol

     TODO: take the missing children protocol of last time and put it on 
the wiki, and we'll discuss team safety and we'll also use this during 
the drill (suggested time: same as last time, the night before the 
actual start of the event).

     TODO: ask team safety for their plan (Boekenwuurm). Based on this, 
we'll see if we do a separate meeting with team safety, or discuss 
during build-up.

mail from stitch: Blogpost about the family village

     TODO: Followup post to be done shortly, when project list updated 
'FamilyZone' getting up to speed or smth.

Frank Stäter: Free stuff for kids

     TODO Followup inquiry by Pikachu

team:power: [mch2022-orga] Power: Count your devices with 400V plug asap

     Since power is more limited this time due to the infra we use, we 
need all the info we can get to get our plan in order. WE NEED THIS 
YESTERDAY!!! We already asked a few times, some teams have responded 
already, many have not. If you are neglecting this, we might not be able 
to support your needs during the event.

     For every device that has a 400V (red) CEE plug, we need some info. 
For villages that need to power large devices like pizza ovens or a lot 
of waffle irons, the same applies. Placement of those villages needs to 
be done in collaboration with us to prevent outages and disappointment!

     To make it easier, we prepared a sheet you can use to fill in your 
requirements: https://ralphw.stackstorage.com/s/power_for_teams Please 
use that!

We don't have any need for 400V.
team:volunteers: [mch2022-orga] Making Camp Happen: Angel Types, Shift 
Types, Shifts. We need your help!

Is already on radar with Pikachu and Sim

     Looks like the people we had in todays meet have ages 6-16 covered.
     Yes, you can just show up and put your tent on FamilyZone, but 
giving a heads up by simply setting your Village to Village:FamilyZone 
in your personal Wiki page is cool!

These minutes also documented on the wiki at 

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