[Warehouse] Fw: [MCH Team:Info] infodesk suplies

boekenwuurm at boekenwuurm.nl boekenwuurm at boekenwuurm.nl
Fri May 13 11:17:38 CEST 2022

Hi team:Warehouse, 

Is it correct that I should have this mail adress, and not the one on the wiki?

For the infodesk in 2017 there were a set of three danisch charts/'bloemenwagens'  in the infodesk. I understand they came from warehouse, is it possible that we get them (or some other sensible shelving) again?

Furthermore we would like a printer + consumables, some office suplies and markers, and if possible a visitor facing printer.

Kind regards,

From: boekenwuurm
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2022 00:58
To: logistics at lists.mch2021.org; info at lists.mch2022.org
Subject: [MCH Team:Info] infodesk suplies

Hi team:Warehouse, 

Voor de infodesk zoek ik wat basisspullen (pennen, papier, stiften, laminator, perforator, nietmachine, ..., en een printer). Wat ons verder zou helpen is een visitor-facing printer, zoals er bij SHA2017 ook was. 

Zijn jullie het team die daarbij kunnen helpen? 


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Info at lists.mch2022.org 

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