[Villages] Fwd: Custers at wiki

Winko Erades van den Berg winko at usa.net
Sat May 7 15:54:56 CEST 2022

Hi Elger,

We just received an email that the cluster functionality at village-form 
is not working as expected.

That my also be the reason why we don't see any village-cluster 
relations mentioned in the wiki export (see excel: 
VillageExport202205061700.xlsx which is a result from the included ASK - 
Village data export).

Could you please help us out?

With kind regards,

Konmei and Winko

Team Villages

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Villages] Custers at wiki
Date: 	Wed, 4 May 2022 20:20:47 +0300
From: 	Tapio Haapala via Villages <villages at lists.mch2022.org>
Reply-To: 	Tapio Haapala <tapio.haapala at f-solutions.fi>
To: 	Villages at lists.MCH2022.org


I try add PRKL village to Cold North. But looks that either wiki is 
broken or I am stupid. That drop down what should give list of clusters 
at village form wont give anything.

F-Solutions Oy

Tapio Haapala

PL7, 90571 Oulu
GSM   +358400998371

Villages mailing list
Villages at lists.mch2022.org

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