[mch2021-terrain] [Productiehuis] Terrain layout: ideas and constraints

Andreas Sikkema ramdyne at gmx.net
Sat Nov 28 16:13:10 CET 2020

> >What big space-using things are you going to be organizing, that need a spot?
> - Backoffice tent, or space in avonturenhuis

Should be space for around 15-20 people IIRC

> >And does your team have strong opinions about where those things should go,
> or where other general-purpose things should go relative to each other?
> - Backoffice should be reasonably close to stages, to keep troubleshooting
> time to a minimum.
> - Stages being reasonably accessible with trucks would make buildup a great
> deal simpler.

Stage Abacus (the largest one) should have wheelchair access to the
stage, we're planning on at least making this stage wheelchair
accessible with a ramp. So a paved road should be close by and/or
temporary "paving" (rijplaten) should be in place up to the entrance
of the tent and, depending on what the situation on-site is, perhaps
even all the way to the stage ramp.


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