[Productiehuis] Presentation equipment for village HackTheHealth (Z-CERT on map.mch2022.org)

Niels Beekhuis nielsbeekhuis at z-cert.nl
Tue Jun 21 14:40:45 CEST 2022

Hi team productiehuis,

I have question regarding the borrowing/renting of some presentation equipment for our village. Is that something that we can arrange via your team?
We also have a question regarding livestreaming. Is there equipment and people available for that can assist us on that front?

Hope I'm not to late and thanks in advance for the effort.

Met vriendelijke groeten/ Kind regards,

Niels W. Beekhuis
DevSecOps Engineer
Teamlead for HackTheHealth village at MCH2022.org

Sectorale CERT voor de zorg
Stationsplein 121 | 3818 LE | Amersfoort T +31 (0)33 737 0609 | www.Z-CERT.nl<http://www.z-cert.nl/>

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